Lovelution Donations,

We have found the treasure in the field, and it is our Father’s children. We know: where your heart is there is our treasure (See Matthew 6:21). 

Thank you for partnering with us in this incredible Lovelution.

“Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor.” (Ecclesiastes 4:9 NAS)


Give by Mail:

Intrepid Heart Ministries
Tracee Anne Loosle
3027 W 700 N West Point UT 84015


All donations and contributions to Intrepid Heart Ministries are tax deductible.

Thank you for supporting Intrepid Heart Ministries. Your contribution will enable us to pay for the charges associated with maintaining and running this site, including renting the server space, keeping our email accounts, and paying for accounting and administrative services.

Your giving also enables us to do mission ministry trips where we cover our own expenses. We appreciate your willingness to help, and it is our sincere desire we go and sow the message of Christ only doing what our Father asks of us.